The world needs organized, motivated professionals with a passion for leadership and the drive to positively affect company productivity. When you study abroad, you expand your critical thinking, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Taking your business administration studies abroad gives you the chance to learn about and adapt to new business practices and discover what works, with whom, and why. Engage with international industry professionals and business owners in Japan, understand how culture has an effect on topics like corporate social responsibility in London, and experience innovative and entrepreneurial business models in action around the world.
In the academic sense, my internship wasn't a mere complement to my coursework; it served as a bridge that seamlessly connected the theoretical underpinnings of my studies to the vibrant reality of the Korean marketing landscape.
As a Thai-American studying abroad in Thailand, I was brought closer to my native heritage. The highlight of my time in Thailand was being ordained as a Buddhist monk, a profoundly symbolic process significant for Thai men and their families.
Not only did I meet my goals for my internship, but I also gained soft skills and improved my communication skills, which will benefit me in the future. I now envision myself working abroad.