UCEAP's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
UCEAP strives to increase access to the transformative power of study abroad for students of all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Study abroad prepares the next generation of leaders with the global perspective and intercultural competence needed to affect positive change in our interconnected world.
UCEAP is committed to creating an inclusive environment in which every individual is welcomed, supported, and invited to share their unique perspective. UCEAP values equitable access to international education programs for all students and strives to develop study abroad programs that address important topics and issues related to diversity, social justice, and human rights. UCEAP works to nurture an inclusive company culture with a staff that reflects and values diversity.
Diversity and inclusion within UCEAP
UCEAP staff have participated in training on topics of power and privilege and racial microaggressions. Further, UCEAP has established workgroups that meet regularly to address the topic of a rapidly evolving demographic of study abroad participants. It isn't a one-time project, but an ongoing and developing initiative. An example of this effort is the Exploring Your Identity Abroad series of workshops, panels, and information sessions.
UCEAP emphasizes the importance of considering all three topics—diversity, equity, and inclusion, which can be likened to various aspects of attending a group dinner:
- Diversity is where everyone is invited to attend.
- Equity means everyone has the means or support they need to attend.
- Inclusion means that everyone gets to contribute their own cuisine to the meal, and their contribution is welcome.
What does UCEAP mean by diversity?
When we use the term diversity, it isn't exclusively about race or gender. Numerous elements of identity, including age, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, physical abilities—or all at the same time—need to be addressed.
UCEAP's commitment to diversity means including and involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of all genders, sexual orientations, mental and physical health and ability reflective of the student body across the UC system and abroad.
Embracing differences and celebrating diversity is at the heart of what we do as a provider of international education opportunities.
What does UCEAP mean by equity?
While diversity refers to all the many ways that people are different, equity is about creating fair access, opportunity, and advancement for all those people. The most successful equity initiatives must build fairness and equal treatment into every opportunity.
UCEAP's commitment to equity means working with students to understand their individual needs, whether they are economic, physical, social, or other concerns. UCEAP is committed to working actively to challenge and respond to bias, harassment, and discrimination.
What does UCEAP mean by inclusion?
While equity refers to the level of access students have to study abroad, inclusion is the extent to which various people have the support they need to feel a sense of belonging and value within a given environment.
UCEAP's commitment to inclusion means respecting people's differences and considering the environment more broadly—from their point of view. UCEAP knows that building a critical mass of diverse groups of students studying abroad creates a vibrant community of inclusiveness that can effectively challenge perceptions and advance our global collective consciousness.
UC Campus DEI Resources for Study Abroad
Explore information on diversity, equity, and inclusion in study abroad on UC campuses.
- UC Berkeley: Identities
- UC Davis: Access and Diversity
- UC Irvine: Diversity and Access
- UC Merced: Information Tailored to Your Situation
- UC Los Angeles: Diversity and Identity Abroad
- UC Riverside: International Affairs
- UC San Diego: Diversity and Identity
- UC Santa Barbara: Identities
- UC Santa Cruz: Identities Abroad and Away
UCEAP is a member of Diversity Abroad
For the majority of students, study abroad is a memorable and life-changing experience. Just like life at a UC, students may encounter some discrimination when they study abroad. For some students, study abroad is the first time they will be in the position of being a minority. To advance policies and practices that support access, diversity, equity, and inclusion in global education and exchanges, UCEAP holds a systemwide membership in the Diversity Abroad network. Membership is shared with all UC campuses that offer international education opportunities to undergraduate students.
Learn about Diversity Abroad