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Connect With a UCEAP Advisor

Thinking about applying for a UCEAP program, but are not sure where to start? Our team of advisors is here to help! We offer three different types of advising opportunities on a weekly basis so you can get all of your questions answered.

Get Ready with Me: Preparing for Your Global Adventure

Thursdays at 2–3 pm | Pre-register or register as you join

This interactive application workshop will help you think through all the preparation necessary to study abroad. In addition to program selection and goal setting, this workshop will cover academic planning; finances, budgeting, and scholarships; cultural awareness and identity; and the application process timeline. 

View our registration form and select the Thursday afternoon session that works for you. 

*Note: These workshops are not recorded. If you cannot attend during the designated time, please come to a drop-in session or schedule a one-on-one appointment for more information! 

Drop-In Hours

Mornings and Afternoons, Monday through Thursday | Register via the links below

These are casual sessions where you can swing by to ask one of our advisors anything that’s on your mind. Note that there may be other students in the session with you: if you have a lot of program-specific questions or a unique situation, we suggest booking a one-on-one appointment below.

Click on the orange timeframes to view the registration form and select the date that works for you. 

10 am – Noon8 – 10 am9 – 11 am11 am – 1 pm
2 – 4 pm2 – 4 pm1 – 3 pm3 – 5 pm

One-On-One Advising

Schedule a virtual appointment | Reserve your appointment here

Schedule a one-on-one virtual advising appointment to chat with a UCEAP advisor. You can schedule a regional appointment if you have questions about specific program offerings, or a general advising appointment if you just want to learn more about UCEAP.