Student Travel Insurance
All UCEAP participants are automatically enrolled in the student travel insurance policy, providing medical and non-medical benefits so you can get the medical care you need while abroad.
The student travel insurance serves as your primary medical coverage while abroad. It works on a reimbursement basis. Costs for medical care must be paid out-of-pocket, and are then reimbursable according to the policy details.
Some benefits include:
- $0 deductible/$0 copay
- Prescription drug benefits
- Mental health counseling
- Medical/security evacuation
- Continued treatment for pre-existing, covered conditions
- Personal property (limits apply)
- Trip cancelation/delay
- Global teleconsultation
- Emergency Remote Behavioral Health Consultation
While abroad, the travel insurance policy through Chubb is considered to be primary for medical expenses in cases of accident and/or illness. However, preventative care such as physicals, routine exams, vaccinations, and COVID tests in the absence of symptoms aren't covered.
Students are required to maintain health insurance in the US, either by keeping UCSHIP during your time abroad, or by having private US health insurance in accordance with UCSHIP waiver policies. The travel insurance policy doesn't allow you to waive UCSHIP. The deadline and process to waive out is set by UCSHIP. Please contact the UCSHIP office at your campus if you have any questions.
Coverage for COVID-19
COVID-19 is treated as any other covered sickness and is subject to the policy terms and conditions. If you experience symptoms of an illness while traveling overseas, you should seek medical care. Expenses resulting from medically necessary treatment will be considered for reimbursement according to the policy rules.
When coverage starts and ends
The student travel insurance begins 14 days before you are required to arrive in your study abroad location. Coverage ends 14 days after your program ends.
Getting Help While abroad
Contact Chubb-AXA Global Travel Assistance while you're abroad—they will provide:
- Referrals for teleconsultations
- Medical or mental health providers in your location
- Direct transfer to a therapist during a mental health crisis
- Medical monitoring if you are hospitalized
- Payment guarantee for hospital admission
Travel Insurance Resources
24-25 Insurance Card: Print out the student policy card.
24-25 Travel Insurance Brochure: Read the full policy details.
24-25 Travel Insurance at a Glance: Find a summary of the insurance policy.
Accident/Sickness Insurance Claim Form and Student Instructions
Personal Property Claim Form and Student Instructions
For claims assistance, contact the claims administrator, Administrative Concepts, Inc.
Or call: +1-888-293-9229 (in the US/Canada) or
+1610 293 9229 (outside the US)
Be sure to have the UCEAP policy number ready: N04834823
While studying abroad, I had to go to urgent care, and during those times of stress, the least concern that someone should have to think about is paying for it. My experience visiting the hospital was very smooth. UCEAP has agreements with specific hospitals, so when you have an emergency, there is an international team to guide you. Fortunately, the insurance I had to get through UCEAP covered all my visits.