Experience first-hand the places, monuments, and primary sources that make up the world’s history. Get an Australian or French perspective on the history of your home country. Walk the paths of ancient royalty and view battlefields from the top of castle walls in Scotland. Page through preserved manuscripts in the places they were written. Conduct research to support public programming and the development of exhibits at historical sites, libraries, and museums in London. Debate conflicting historical interpretations and ideas with professors and students from countries around the world and analyze records, maps, and cultural artifacts from an earlier era.
As a UCEAP alum, I move forward with a greater devotion to my studies, a more acute understanding of history, knowledge about how to conduct productive research, and the ambition to pursue a career as a historian and researcher.
Taking classes related to my major and seeing them through an authentic Danish lens, among a culturally diverse group of students from around the world, was invaluable.