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Cityscape view with the Oslo Harbor at sunset in Oslo, Norway.

Program at a Glance

University of Oslo

Country or area Norway
City Oslo
Class Level So, Jr, Sr, Gr
Experience Type Immersion
Minimum GPA 2.75
Term Year, Spring Semester, Fall Semester
Taught In English
Language Prereq no
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About The Program

Experience the northern lights, flowing waterfalls, and the jaw-dropping beauty of Oslo. At the University of Oslo, take classes in English in a variety of subjects. Norwegians and exchange students join you in class, making for a truly international study experience. University events expand on course topics like architecture, media, law, and politics. Tour heritage sites, step onto an ancient Viking ship, go to a concert in a fortress, or take a ski course. You’ll also have your pick of a weekend excursion to hike in the mountains, explore fjords, or try whitewater rafting. A quick train ride takes you to campus-owned student cabins—a popular winter playground.

Where you'll study

The University of Oslo (UiO) is the highest ranked university in Norway. Four Nobel Prize Laureates are affiliated with the university, and many awards, including the Anders Jahre Award for Medical Research, add to its world reputation. The university’s original campus is located in the city center, adjacent to the Royal Palace and Parliament. Today the main campus is just minutes away from the city center and offers proximity to the breathtaking lakes and greenery of Nordmarka forest. The university is home to several important museums, including the Viking Ship Museum. At the heart of Norwegian culture is a love of the outdoors and nature. Every Norwegian has access to a cabin in the woods—and you do too! Reserve one of the UiO student cabins and you can find yourself hiking through an evergreen forest, cooking over a fire, and taking in the magnificent countryside on any given weekend.

You’ll take classes alongside local students at UiO’s main Blindern campus with full access to the university’s extensive facilities.


Optional field trips and activities to introduce the local culture are available through your host university. Most events are free or discounted, but some come with an additional cost not included in UCEAP fees.

<p>Northern lights trip to Lapland to experience Aurora Borealis</p>

Northern lights trip to Lapland to experience Aurora Borealis

<p>Weekend skiing and hiking trips</p>

Weekend skiing and hiking trips

<p>Mountain&nbsp;getaway&nbsp;in&nbsp;student&nbsp;cabins&nbsp;(known as&nbsp;hyttes)</p>

Mountain getaway in student cabins (known as hyttes)

When I think back to my initial arrival in Oslo, I barely recognize myself. I’m amazed by how much I’ve matured in such a short amount of time.

Veronica  McAlpin UC Santa Barbara Earth Science Norway

Adapting to life in Norway was among the most difficult things I've had to do and not knowing the Norwegian language was even harder. Luckily, most people know English and speak it regularly so the transition was easier than I anticipated. The University of Oslo also sets up a buddy week where we were able to meet people in our major. This is where I met friends who I look forward to visiting all over the world. My five months abroad changed me, and I came home with tools to hopefully make gradual change within my community and at home.

Allie Bradfield-Davis UC Santa Cruz Legal Studies Norway