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Fields of Study: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science

Join UC classmates on a six-week project-based program that takes place within rural Ghanaian communities. After completing coursework in Accra, you travel to participate in local hands-on activities in rural villages to improve access to adequate health services, learn about sustainable agricultural practices, ensure sufficient energy resources, and meet​ other basic needs in a village.

Unique study opportunities

  • Enrich your understanding of this unique African nation, its welcoming culture, and its sustainable development initiatives.
  • Participate in community health fairs and service learning with the West Africa AIDS foundation.
  • Conduct field work in a rural farming village learning about indigenous practices that can help resolve key agriculture, health, and nutrition challenges.


Language of Instruction: English

Language Study: None

Courses and credit

Requirements While Abroad

To successfully complete this program:

  • Take two courses for a total of 10 quarter/6.7 semester UC units; 
  • Take both courses for letter grade; the pass/no pass option is not available on this program.

Current Program Courses

All students take two upper-division courses:

The program begins with the two-week intensive Ghanaian Society and Culture course. This course examines social welfare concerns of Ghanaian citizens; development challenges; the special vulnerability of women and children in West Africa; the importance of religion; and other unique features of Ghana’s art, history, and culture. 

The first week of the four-week Community-Based Health & Food Security course includes a series of intensive seminars co-taught by University of Ghana faculty and leading medical practitioners in Accra. Seminar topics include HIV/AIDS, Malaria, child nutrition, high blood pressure, food security, sanitation, and public health education.  

Following these seminars, you’ll undertake three weeks of field work in urban, peri-urban, and rural settings. Each region provides a unique insight into the different communities of Ghana. Discussions with local experts and daily debriefs on activities will help you glean more from the village experiences. 

As the program comes to an end, you’ll return to Accra and complete a final report and presentation.

Additional or optional coursework, internships, and research for academic credit are not possible on this program.

Catalogs and resources

  • UCEAP Course Catalog: See a list of courses students have taken on this program. 
  • Campus Credit Abroad: Learn the types of credit (major, minor, general education, elective) students from your campus received at this location.

Academic culture

Oral communication is a key characteristic of Ghanaian society, and this carries into academic settings. Professors and students rely heavily on person-to-person communication. By contrast, announcements at UC are often written. To succeed in this culture, cultivate relationships with your classmates, keep in touch with instructors, and check in regularly with local staff for announcements on activities, assignments, and other course matters.

Assessment for the Ghanaian Society and Culture course occurs through a final exam and written group exercises. For the remainder of the summer program, you’ll be evaluated via fieldwork hours (100-120), seminar participation, class presentation, and a short report (6-8 pages).


You will earn direct UC credit for all coursework and grades will be calculated into your UC GPA. Grades for this program are usually available in September.