About The Program
It’s impossible to ignore the influence that art and music has played in shaping Glasgow. The creative vibe is immediately apparent, and Glasgow’s free attractions—from the GoMa, to Riverside Museum, and the Botanics—are the gift that keeps giving. This program is a full immersion experience, which means you’ll be treated like any other Scottish student. Once accepted, you’ll travel to Scotland, attend orientation, get a student ID, select classes, make your own housing arrangements, and join a university club. Craft your full-time course schedule based on your academic needs, and attend class with local Scots and international students from all over the world.
Where you'll study
Attend the alma mater to some of the world’s most renowned innovators: physicist and engineer Lord Kelvin, economist Adam Smith, and pioneer of television John Logie Baird. Among the UK’s earliest universities, parts of the University of Glasgow feel like a set out of a Harry Potter movie. On your way to classes, you’ll pass by elegant spires, gothic-arched windows, epic colonnades, and halls where Albert Einstein once lectured. In other areas, you’ll find the modern labs, sleek steel and glass structures, and top-tier facilities one would expect at a leading school for international research. The main campus is located in the posh West End of Glasgow about two miles from the city center.
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