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Error message

  • Warning: Undefined variable $eligibility_requirements in {closure}() (line 620 of themes/custom/uceap/uceap.theme).
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Fields of Study: Agricultural Sciences, Anthropology, Architecture, Art Studio, Biology, Business Administration, Communications, Computer Science, Dramatic Arts, Developer Studies, Economics, Education, Environmental Studies, Film and Media Studies, Geography, Health Sciences, International Studies, Legal Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Urban Studies

Customize your academic career with an online internship—from the comfort of your living room or patio. This program offers internship positions in many locations abroad across a wide variety of career fields. Give your future career a boost while gaining global experience through a virtual internship. 

Unique study opportunities

  • Receive direct, personalized career coaching throughout your summer internship.
  • Gain experience working on virtual teams.
  • Learn flexibility and the ability to work independently.
  • Add international professional experience to your résumé.


Language of Instruction:

Language Study: None

Courses and Credit


To successfully complete this program:

  • Take a full-time course of study: One upper-division course for a total of 9 quarter/6 semester UC units.
  • You may take the course for a letter grade or pass/no pass.


During the program, you'll take an academic seminar that will guide you through your internship experience. The course is online and includes sessions on understanding the workplace culture of your host city.

Catalogs and resources

  • CEA Study Abroad: Learn more about this program from UCEAP's host provider, includes internship course description and link to syllabus.
  • Campus Credit Abroad: Learn the types of credit (major, minor, general education, elective) students from your campus received at this location. There are currently no listings for this program in the database.

Academic culture

The academic seminar is taught with a flipped classroom model where you'll be given independent work to complete. You'll attend the virtual class sessions with other students on internships around the world and share your work. During the career coaching sessions, you'll be grouped with students who are taking internships in the same country as you are.


You'll earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework. Grades for this program are usually available in mid-October.