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UCEAP students are supported by a wide network of people. Your virtual internship experience will be guided by trained staff that are available to support you throughout the program. Here's what you need to know about this program.


To help navigate the virtual experience, you'll attend an online orientation where you will learn how to make the most of your internship. CEA study abroad staff will review the the internship placement expectations and introduce the online course component of the program. You'll be expected to take ownership of the experience to achieve your academic, global competence, and personal growth goals. Discussions will center on goal-setting, how to be successful in a virtual work environment, and potential scenarios you may encounter during your internship. You'll also learn who to contact if you have questions during the program.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities are encouraged to participate in this virtual program. 

Start by contacting the staff at the disability services office and the study abroad office on your UC campus. They can help you identify strategies for making a virtual program accessible for your disability.

After you apply, your UCEAP advisor will coordinate with the internship provider who can help you make the arrangements for an accessible experience. If your needs cannot be accommodated, your advisors will help you choose another program. You will not be alone in this decision.