How to use UCEAP eRefund direct deposit
UCEAP’s eRefund is the direct deposit system for receiving financial aid disbursements and applied account refunds to your UCEAP Portal account. UCEAP’s eRefund is not the same as a student’s home campus direct deposit system.
Do not delay enrolling in eRefund because it can delay the receipt of funds.
It is the student’s responsibility to set up their eRefund direct deposit account accurately.
Note: Per US federal law, UCEAP cannot issue direct deposits to non-US banking institutions or investment institutions.
What is eRefund and why it’s necessary
UCEAP eRefund is separate from a student’s UC campus direct deposit program and the equivalent of campus direct deposit.
UCEAP recommends that every student participating in a study abroad program sign up for eRefund before making any payments to UCEAP or receiving financial aid. This ensures that refunds and financial aid disbursements are transferred directly to the student’s preferred bank account instead of waiting to receive a physical check (which may not arrive before the student leaves) in the mail.
To enroll in eRefund, a student must wait until UCEAP fees are applied to the Portal account. They are in the Finances section under the Fees and Payments tab.
How to sign up for eRefund
Before you can sign up for eRefund, the UCEAP fees and payments must be applied to your application. They are in the Finances section under the Fees and Payments tab.
Log in to the UCEAP Portal and verify that the fees and payments appear before following the steps to sign up for eRefund.
To sign up for eRefund, you will need the following information (contact your bank or financial institution if you do not have it):
- The routing transit number for the account where funds will be direct deposited
- The account number where funds will be direct deposited
- The account type: Checking or Savings
Note: Your bank account number is different from the 16 digits on your debit card.
Important: Signing up for eRefund does not authorize UCEAP to extract funds from the account. UCEAP can only deposit funds into the account provided by the student.
Instructions to sign up for eRefund:
- Log in to UCEAP Portal, locate the Fees and Payments tab (under the Finances section) and click the Transact Payment Portal button. The UCEAP Transact payment portal will open.
- Scroll past the summary of what you owe and click the Sign up button where it says Sign up for direct deposit refunds! A popup will appear asking you to agree to the terms.
- Click the Continue button to agree to the terms.
- Type the name of the direct deposit account’s holder into the Account holder name field.
- Select the account type: Checking or Savings.
- Type the bank’s routing transit number into the Routing transit number field.
You will be asked to review and confirm the information you provided.
When you finish, you will see your Transact profile, which shows you are enrolled in eRefund.