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You'll stay in student dormitories or in a private apartment during your stay in Glasgow. Apartments are hard to get in Glasgow, so dorms are the recommended option. You'll apply for the dormitory after you’re accepted and you can research the individual dorms online, so you’re ready with your favorite. The advantage of choosing a dorm is that your housing will be arranged prior to leaving California. If you prefer an apartment, you'll research options in the private rental market. The university accommodations office has an online database of available housing, but you’ll be doing all the work. You’ll finalize the arrangements for an apartment after you arrive in Glasgow, so that you can see where you’ll live before you sign a contract. You’ll need to arrange your own temporary accommodations at a local bed and breakfast or hostel to give yourself time to see the apartments and interview owners.


If you choose this option, you may want to share the flat with at least one other student. It’s typical to have a private bedroom and share a kitchen, living room, and bathroom.


  • Private bedroom
  • Shared bathroom
  • Off campus
  • No meal plan

Live with

  • International students
  • UC students


Commute depends on the location of your apartment, but is typically around a 20-minute walk.


All the dorms are off campus and close to the university except Wolfson Hall, which is the only residence offering a catered meal plan. The West End of Glasgow, where most of the halls are located, is an affluent area with good shopping and plenty of cafés and restaurants close by. You’ll share a well-equipped kitchen, dining area, and bathroom with your flat mates. You’ll have access to modern exercise facilities, study zones, and common rooms. Bike storage is available, and the staff at the reception desk can provide answers to questions.


  • Private or shared bedroom
  • Shared bathroom
  • Off campus
  • No meal plan (except Wolfson Hall)

Live with

  • International students
  • UC students


Your commute will depend on the location of your dormitory, but all except Wolfson Hall are a 10- to 25-minute walk to campus. If you choose Wolfson Hall, you’ll commute by bus and it could take up to an hour to get to class.