About The Program
Lund blends modern style and ancient heritage. Explore hip coffee houses, lush parks, and a striking medieval cathedral and discover a rich history tracing back to the Viking Age. Being a hub of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, Lund is a fantastic choice for a wide-range of academic pursuits. As the birthplace of innovations like the artificial kidney, Bluetooth, and the eco-friendly Tetra Pak carton, Lund University is an exciting place to study. Take classes in your major and access research opportunities in STEM fields. You can also join one of the nations, a student club that organizes social activities or try snowshoeing or skiing.
Where you'll study
Founded over 100 years before the United States declared independence, Lund University’s history goes way back. Its earliest students attended classes in a local cathedral and one of the king’s residences. Today, it is a major European research hub and a great choice for majors in engineering as well as the social sciences, economics, business, humanities, sciences, and law. Lund University is home to the world’s leading electron accelerator facility, the Max IV laboratory, and the soon-to-be most powerful neutron source in the world, the European Spallation Source. As the most popular institution of higher education in Sweden, it offers the broadest range of courses and programs. Attending class at the main campus buildings, your daily activities will be in the center of Lund, just a short walk from the city railway station.
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Optional field trips and activities to introduce the local culture are available through your host university. Most events are free or discounted, but some come with an additional cost not included in UCEAP fees.

Optional trips to Iceland and the Norwegian fjords

Festival of Light at Sofiero Palace

Cottage weekend in Dalby

Canoe day on river Rönne followed by veggie-friendly BBQ
From The Californian Abroad
My first semester in Lund, Sweden was not all rosy, but learning to overcome hardship was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I grew so much and gained so many friends and experiences. As much as I appreciate my experiences at Berkeley, I don't feel changed in the same way as I do from my time in Sweden. Berkeley challenged me to grow academically, but Lund challenged me to grow as a person.
When first considering studying abroad, all I could think of was wanting to go somewhere that would genuinely change me. I wanted to experience a new way of thinking, a new daily routine, and different ideologies. The students at Lund University taught me a profound lesson—grades are just a small part of who you are. Coming from a highly competitive environment, a lot of my self worth was placed on performing in school, but life has too much to offer to only worry about grades and career prospects. Swedish students and the friends I met all showed me how necessary it is to connect with people around the world, to explore new places, eat new foods, and most importantly, create a healthy and encouraging social circle.