General Provisions
UCEAP strongly encourages you to get a cell phone with a local plan in your study abroad location, not exclusively dependent on WiFi, that allows text messaging so local staff can reach you and share instructions, particularly during an emergency.
UCEAP officials and its partners may use email messages and attachments as one official means of communication regarding your education, program, and/or the provision of support services from the moment you apply through completion of your program and payment of all associated fees.
You’re required to be responsive to program representatives and respectful in your communications with them, whether written or verbal, from the moment you apply through completion of your program and payment of all associated fees.
You’re required to keep your contact information in your UCEAP Portal always updated. This includes email addresses, domestic and international phone numbers, mailing addresses, and street addresses. In the event of an emergency, UCEAP will attempt to check in with you by any means possible.
You’re responsible for regularly monitoring your email, replying promptly and courteously to official communications from program representatives, and ensuring emails from program representatives aren’t lost in spam or junk folders. Failure to receive or read email communications from program representatives won’t absolve you of any associated responsibilities or repercussions. Use of autoforward or email redirect is at your own risk.
UCEAP strongly encourages you to keep your support network (family members, spouses, guardians, close friends, etc.) informed regarding your program participation on an ongoing basis and providing them with local emergency and personal contact information.
In compliance with applicable US laws, UCEAP policy prohibits the disclosure of personally identifiable information to anyone other than the participant without prior written authorization from the participant. This includes directory information, such as your name, UC campus, UCEAP participation status, and the name of the UCEAP program in which you’re enrolled. To learn more, see UCEAP’s FERPA Notice and Student Privacy Notice.
UCEAP encourages participants to provide UCEAP officials with written authorization to share nondirectory information with their support network via the following forms:
If you’re unable to provide a completed form, you can send an email containing the same information requested in the form. The email must be sent from the email address listed in your UCEAP Portal for identity verification purposes.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this Email and Communication Policy may result in discipline, academic or financial penalties, or dismissal from the program in accordance with University of California policies, the UCEAP Guide to Study Abroad, and the UCEAP Student Participation Agreement.