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5 - Health and Safety
Health and Safety Analyst
Approved Date:
February 1, 2022
Effective Date:
February 1, 2022

Participants in the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP) are responsible for taking certain precautions to minimize risks to themselves and others during their participation in the program. It is the policy of UCEAP to promote safe behavior and to encourage students to engage in personal risk management when traveling personally during the UCEAP program. In addition to guidance provided by UCEAP, the US Department of State (DOS) provides information, recommendations, and Travel Advisories (TAs) for US travelers planning international travel.

Refer to US DOS TA levels. Conditions in any country or region may change at any time. Read the TAs for additional advice in the respective areas.

Level 1 - Exercise Normal Precautions: This is the lowest advisory level for safety and security risk. There’s some risk in any international travel.

Level 2 - Exercise Increased Caution: Be aware of heightened risks to safety and security.

Level 3 - Reconsider Travel: Avoid travel due to serious risks to safety and security.

Level 4 - Do Not Travel: This is the highest advisory level due to greater likelihood of life-threatening risks. During an emergency, the US government may have very limited ability to aid. The Department of State advises that US citizens avoid travel to the country or leave as soon as it is safe to do so.

TA levels of advice may vary for specific locations or areas within a country or region. UCEAP expects students to:

  • Complete a Travel Sign Out through the UCEAP Portal before any travel.
  • Register with STEP if a US citizen. Non-citizens should check with home country representatives.
  • Add travel information to their Crisis24 WorldCue account.
  • Share travel and contact information with emergency contacts. All UCEAP participants:
  • Are strongly discouraged from traveling to locations under US DOS TA Level 3 or 4 for safety and security reasons, and to areas with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Warning Level 3: Avoid Nonessential Travel.
  • Are strongly discouraged from traveling to areas that the study center, UC host institutions, or other official sources indicate may be risky or dangerous.
  • Should review all US DOS TAs and CDC Travel Health Notices for the countries or regions they plan to visit.

UCEAP participants who choose to travel to high-risk areas as described in this policy despite UCEAP and US DOS recommendations should discuss their plans with study center or UC partner institution staff. For countries where there is a US DOS TA Level 3 or 4 for safety and security risks, students must sign a Travel Waiver before departure. A student who travels without notifying UCEAP, signing the Travel Waiver, and completing a Travel Sign Out in the UCEAP Portal may be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal.

Due to the security environment in a particular country or region that may impact UCEAP’s and UC Traveler Assistance Providers’ ability to assist students, this policy and related security measures may be amended at any time to include increased travel restrictions or additional travel bans during student breaks.

Country- and Region-Specific Travel Policies

In addition, country- or region-specific travel policies may also apply. If the country- or region-specific policy includes more restrictive terms, those terms take precedence over this Student Travel Policy. Any active country- or region-specific travel policies are linked below.