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You will stay in one of the student dorms offered by the Australian National University. You’ll receive directions to research your options and apply for housing before you depart.


A variety of dorms, which are called residential halls, colleges, houses, and lodges, are available. Each has a different feel, setting, and catering option for meals. Careful research will help you rank your favorites. All dorms have shared common rooms, study rooms, kitchens or cafeterias, and other features like music rooms, rooftop gardens, and gyms.


  • Private or shared bedroom
  • Private or shared bathroom
  • On campus (with a few exceptions)
  • Meal plan (depends on the hall)

Live with

  • International students
  • UC students
  • US students


Your daily commute to class depends on the location of your dorm. Typically, it’s a short walk since most housing is on campus.