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You can live in any type of housing in an area that best suits your interests and lifestyle. Finding an apartment, homestay, or residence hall, comparing features, costs, and amenities then getting to know your Barcelona neighborhood is all part of the study abroad experience. You can choose to live in the Vila Universitaria on the UAB campus, or you can live within the Barcelona city limits and commute to Bellaterra for classes. The study center provides housing resources to help you make all of your arrangements before arrival.


  • Private or shared bedroom
  • Private or shared bathroom
  • On or off campus
  • Meal plan varies

Live with

  • Local residents
  • International students
  • UC students


Your commute to class is a short walk if you live in the Vila Universitaria. The city of Barcelona is a 45-minute train ride from campus. To help you explore the city, the study center will provide a transportation pass for the first month of your stay.