Fields of Study: Engineering, Humanities, and Social Sciences
The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) offers an innovative hands-on, design focused, and multidisciplinary curriculum for engineering students. Courses in humanities, arts, and social sciences complement the engineering curriculum and promotes soft skills like problem-solving, creative thinking, and continuous learning.
Unique study opportunities
- Curriculum established in collaboration with MIT that incorporates elements of entrepreneurship, management, and design thinking
- Full access to the Fabrication Lab (Fab Lab) makerspace and its world-class arsenal of 3D printers, CNC milling machines, waterjets, metal and woodwork machines
- Participate in the Inbound International Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (iUROP) and work with SUTD faculty and students on cutting edge and innovative research projects during your program abroad.
Language of Instruction: EnglishCourses and credit
Requirements While Abroad
To successfully complete this program:
- Take a full-time course of study: 4 courses for a total of 21-24 quarter/14-16 semester UC units each semester. Most courses are 12 SUTD credits each. 12 SUTD credits equals 6 quarter/4 semester UC units
- You may take one course for pass/no pass.
Current Program Courses
The university is organized into pillars or majors of study. You will choose any combination of courses from the following pillars:
- Engineering Product Development (EPD): Leadership in conception, design, implementation, and operation of innovative technology-intensive products
- Engineering Systems and Design (ESD): Design, analysis, optimization, and management of large-scale complex systems
- Information Systems and Technology Design (ISTD): Design integrated software/hardware systems that interact with humans and machines.
- Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS): Integrates the humanities, arts, and social science disciplines with SUTD’s engineering pillars by examining the social role and impacts of innovations in the fields of technology and design.
- Design and Artificial Intelligence (DAI): Focuses on the application of AI-driven design across products, systems, services, and built environments.
Not all SUTD courses are offered every term. For the fall semester (early Sept to mid-Dec), you select courses from SUTD Term 7. For the spring semester (late Jan to late April), you select courses from SUTD Terms 4, 6, or 8.
You will select your courses in order of preference on your SUTD application, then finalize your enrollment when the course schedule is released approximately one month before arrival.
Course Restrictions
Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD) courses are currently not open to study abroad students.
Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) courses are first-year foundational courses and are not open to study abroad students.
SUTD provides the opportunity for part-time research through the Inbound International Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (iUROP). You can opt to take the iUROP Mezzo or Meta research course for academic credit. Research courses are graded pass/no pass only.
Catalogs and resources
- Engineering Product Development (EPD): Find out about tracks and courses in the EPD Core program.
- Engineering Systems and Design (ESD): Explore the course schedule for the ESD program.
- Information Systems and Technology Design (ISTD): See curriculum and tracks in the ISTD program.
- Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS): Discover courses, syllabi, and instructors for the HASS program.
- Design and Artificial Intelligence (DAI): Explore the course schedule for the DAI program.
- International Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (iUROP): Learn about research opportunities for study abroad students at SUTD.
- UCEAP Course Catalog: See a list of courses students have taken on this program. This is not a current representation of course offerings on this program. Reference the above links to review recent course offerings.
- Campus Credit Abroad: Learn the types of credit (major, minor, general education, elective) students from your campus received at this location. There are currently no listings for this program in the database.
Academic culture
SUTD has a student-to-faculty ratio of 11 students to 1 faculty, conducive to a collaborative culture and close-knit student community. Lessons usually take place in a classroom setting that facilitates small group discussions and interactive learning. A 120-minute lesson block is typically broken into several iterative segments of mini-lectures followed by discussions and activities. Theories are brought to life through discussions and team-based projects. Students are challenged to think beyond the knowledge taught in classes (as opposed to lecture-style teaching) and reach out to faculty and teaching assistants for constructive debate and discussions.
You'll earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework. Grades for the fall program are typically available in early March. Grades for the spring program are typically available in late July.