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Fields of Study: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Engineering

University College Cork (UCC) prioritizes teaching and engages a diverse and vibrant student community. Students enjoy high-class teaching and obtain excellent job skills that impress prospective employers. In addition to subject areas commonly taught at UC, UCC offers less frequently taught subject areas, such as food business and development, nutrition, youth and community, anatomy, pharmacy, energy engineering, and zoology. Students also benefit from UCC's great commitment to research conducted at prestigious institutes such as Tyndall National Institute and Boole Centre for Research in Informatics. 

Unique study opportunities

  • Courses in Celtic civilization, folklore, and Irish history at the College of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Social Sciences.
  • A one-year specialized program in Irish traditional music. The Music Department also offers semester-length courses in this area. 
  • Research and independent study for academic credit may be possible.


Language of Instruction: English

Foreign language study is available. Notable option: Gaeilge, one of Ireland’s official languages. Check host institution catalog for additional offerings.  

Courses and Credit

Requirements While Abroad

To successfully complete this program:

  • Take a full-time course of study: Four to five courses for 25 quarter/16.5 semester UC units per semester.
  • A total of 50 quarter/33 semester UC units are required per year.
  • You may take two courses (5 quarter/3.3 semester UC units each) or one course (10 quarter/6.7 semester UC units) per term pass/no pass.

Current Program Courses

At University College Cork you will have the opportunity to select courses from a range of disciplines in the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, the College of Science, Engineering, and Food Science, the College of Business and Law, and the College of Medicine and Health. You can combine courses from different departments and across different levels. See the Academic Offerings guide in the Catalog and Resources section for more information on the fields of study that are available at UCC. Courses may be lower or upper division.

Learn more about your host country through courses in Celtic Civilization that focus on Irish language, Celtic literature and poetry, the history of the Gaelic world, and Celtic religion and mythology.

Catalogs and resources

  • Academic Offerings: See an overview of academic offerings at all Irish partner institutions.
  • University College Cork Course Catalog: Find a full selection of courses offered at the university.
  • UCEAP Course Catalog: See a list of courses UC students have taken on this program. (Note: The number of units has not been updated for all courses.) This is not a current representation of course offerings on this program. Reference the above links to review recent course offerings.
  • Campus Credit Abroad: Learn the types of credit (major, minor, general education, elective) students from your campus received at this location.

Academic culture

Studying abroad in Ireland helps you develop an independent learning style, with strong writing skills and active participation in your own learning.

  • Introductory courses at an Irish university are comparable to sophomore-level courses in the US.
  • Second-year courses at Irish universities are often equivalent to upper-division UC level, and third-year or fourth-year courses are specialized and demand significant background knowledge.
  • There is more emphasis on writing and independent reading than at UC.
  • Differences in teaching style may include less detailed instructions, fewer in-class sessions (except science classes), and fewer in-term assessments.
  • Many courses are taught with lectures and seminars. Lecture class sizes can be quite large while seminar groups are smaller.
  • Faculty (called lecturers) don't often hold office hours, but welcome individual questions and are eager to help visiting students.
  • Final grades depend heavily—and sometimes fully—on the final exam.
  • UCEAP participants aren't allowed to retake exams (called re-sits), and exam dates are not flexible.


You will earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework. Grades for the fall semester are typically available late March. Grades for the spring semester are typically available late July or early August.

Tip: If you intend to put yourself on your campus degree list for graduation while on UCEAP, consult your campus advisors before departure about possible delays in the degree verification process.