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All UC students are guaranteed housing in a dorm near the Aobayama campus, where classes and laboratories are located. This is the only housing option offered on this program. Residence hall life is an important part of the Japanese university experience and a great way to create a social community. 



On your dorm application, you may choose between a single or multi-person unit, but you will always have a bedroom to yourself. The floor or unit will have a common area with kitchen, shower, bathroom, and laundry facilities. There are no meal plans, but you can eat at the cafeteria-style dining halls on campus. 


  • Private bedroom
  • Shared bathroom
  • On or off campus
  • No meal plan

Live with

  • International students
  • Local Japanese students


The commute varies between a 10-minute walk to a 30-minute bus and train ride depending on where your dorm is located.