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Fields of Study: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Engineering

At PUC-Rio you’ll get to experience Brazilian academic life. In Portuguese, you can access courses in a full-range of majors. Although English-language offerings are more limited, you can access courses across various disciplines including business, design, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, international relations, mechanical engineering, and sociology.

Unique study opportunities

  • Brazilian or Carioca perspectives across a variety of disciplines.
  • University-organized opportunities to volunteer in community service projects.
  • Community development course (highly recommended by UC students).


Language of Instruction: English, Portuguese

Portuguese Language Study: Required

The university requires Portuguese language study during the semester. Based on your language placement test, PUC-Rio will place you at the appropriate language level. Courses at all levels focus on acquiring or enhancing your Portuguese language skills through grammar, conversation and composition. Instructors will also help you master the expected formats for writing papers in the Brazilian academic setting and other skills necessary for successfully completing courses at PUC-Rio.

Aside from language study, you’ll have the opportunity to take courses taught in English or Portuguese. PUC-Rio allows students who test into and enroll in the low-intermediate level of Portuguese to take regular university courses taught entirely in Portuguese. A low-intermediate level of proficiency in reading, writing, and comprehension of university-level Portuguese is necessary to succeed in these courses.

Courses and credit

Requirements While Abroad

To successfully complete this program:
  • Take a full-time course of study: Minimum 21 quarter/14 semester UC units per semester (typically four courses).
  • You may take up to a maximum of five courses and 36 quarter/24 semester UC units.
  • Take a Portuguese language course each term (typically worth 6 quarter/4 semester UC units). 
  • You may add an internship for academic credit in addition to the minimum course load. 
  • You may select one course to take pass/no pass.

Current Program Courses

You’ll find a diverse selection of courses in all disciplines, particularly in business and economics (administraçao and ciências econômicas), political science (relações internacionais), biology and environmental studies (ciências biológicas and engenharia ambiental) and the STEM fields (engenharia, física, matemática, química, sistemas de informaçao, etc.).

When looking for appropriate coursework on the PUC website (linked in Catalogs and Resources below), remember to search in more than one place for courses of particular interest. For example, courses of interest to political science majors may be offered by the sociology or economics departments. By noting the host departments listed in the UCEAP Course Catalog descriptions, you can get a feel for which departments might offer courses appropriate to your academic interests.

You will register for courses once you are on-site in Rio. The Central Coordination for International Cooperation (CCCI) office will provide an orientation at arrival with information about course registration. They are a great resource if you have any questions about courses and they will be available to assist you through the course registration process.

Catalogs and resources

Academic culture

Overall, the systems of higher education in Brazil are comparable to the US. However, there are key differences. One significant difference is in how Brazilian students approach their majors. They devote themselves immediately and exclusively to their chosen field of study, taking courses in only one center or department. General education requirements are not typically part of the university program. Since they focus their studies exclusively in one specialized area, groups of Brazilian students will track through their university program together, often forming tight bonds. As an exchange student, you may take courses from any department as long as you meet the course requirements. 

In addition, Brazilian students typically live with their families rather than on campus. Their social life tends to be off campus.

You’ll make preliminary course choices using PUC-Rio’s online schedule of classes, the Micro-Horário, before you arrive in Brazil. The Micro-Horário contains information about exact times and places of classes, but is only viewable during the registration period. It is recommended that you pre-register in more PUC-Rio classes than you actually plan to take to allow the maximum latitude for final adds and drops.

Do not be surprised if your professors do not attend the first day of class. Instructors may send a TA to take roll on the first day since many students in attendance will still be shopping for classes.

Most classes have 20-40 students and are primarily lecture-style with some class participation. Students initiate informal group studies, which are a valuable complement to the class. The expectations that Brazilian students have of the professor and the coursework may be based on information that is not obvious to exchange students. Before deciding to add or drop a course, get opinions about it from other students in the class.

If you register in English course offerings, you’ll be in class with other US and international students. If you opt to take regular university courses, you will attend classes taught in Portuguese with local Brazilian students.

Attendance is mandatory by Brazilian regulation. Brazilian federal law dictates that a student who misses 25% of the classes in any given course automatically fails the course. The grade evaluation varies according to the field of study and the professor, but typically consists of quizzes, a mid-term, and a final exam. Some courses require a paper. The grade system used in Brazil is 0 to 10, with a 5 considered the lowest passing grade.


You will earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework. Fall grades are usually available between late January and mid-February. Spring grades are usually available between late July to mid-August.