Fields of Study: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Engineering
Each summer the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) offers approximately 100 undergraduate research opportunities in sciences (including medical science), engineering, humanities, and social sciences.
Unique study opportunities
- Choose a topic or topics from a published list of research projects.
- Work independently in a lab with the supervision of local faculty member.
- Participate in a poster session and publish your final research.
- Attend talks and meet emerging entrepreneurs.
Language of Instruction: EnglishLanguage Study: None
Courses and credit
Requirements While Abroad
To successfully complete this program:
- Take one upper-division research course for a total of 9 quarter/6 semester UC units.
- Letter grade required
Current Program Courses
Projects vary each year and are typically announced in December or January for the following summer.
Research projects are offered from the following CUHK faculties:
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Social Science
Previous students have participated in projects covering a range of topics. For example: Language learning and processing in the brain, big data analytics, image-based medical diagnosis, biofuel clean combustion, green tea for treatment of endometriosis, mangroves in Hong Kong and climate change, machine learning and robotics, film censorship and crime films in Hong Kong, and many more.
Additional or optional coursework, internships, and research for academic credit are not possible on this program.
Catalogs and resources
- Research Projects: Browse research projects by fields of study for the upcoming summer.
- Summer Undergraduate Research Program: Review the program website for additional information.
- UCEAP Course Catalog: See a list of courses UC students have taken on this program.
- Campus Credit Abroad: Learn the types of credit (major, minor, general education, elective) students from your campus received at this location.
Academic culture
Successful students on this program study independently, do the background reading, and incorporate class work and reading into written papers. Some research opportunities involve fieldwork, practical experience, or lab work. Student-centered inquiry and problem-based learning are encouraged. At the same time, there is more memorization for exams than what is typical at UC; local teaching style emphasizes the repetition of lecture material on written quizzes and exams.
You will earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework. Research projects have various assessment measures depending on the area of study. Many projects require a presentation at the end of the program.
The grades for this program are expected in late October. Requests for early grades cannot be accommodated.