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Fields of Study: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science

At Utrecht University you can advance your UC major in the social sciences, sciences, and humanities. A broad variety of courses in English are available in economics, law, film, international relations, gender and ethnicity studies, and many more. Pre-law students will find especially engaging course opportunities.

Unique study opportunities

  • Prepare for law school through enriching law and governance courses and gain an international perspective on legal studies.
  • Discover strategies for advocacy of a global civil society.
  • Learn how to manage cross-border societal problems at an international level.


Language of Instruction: English

Language Study: None

Courses and credit

Requirements While Abroad

Take a full-time course of study: Four courses per semester; semesters are divided into two blocks and you will take two courses per block. Units will vary depending on your package.

  • Fall semester with early-exit: 21 quarter/14 semester UC units. The fall semester at UU extends into January. You'll need to make arrangements to take early-exit exams for your block 2 courses to return to UC for the winter quarter or spring semester. ​Block 1 courses are 6 quarter/4 semester units each. Block 2 early-exit courses are 4.5 quarter/3 semester units each. 
  • Fall semester (January): 24 quarter/16 semester UC units. All courses are 6 quarter/ 4 semester units. 
  • Spring semester: 24 quarter/16 semester UC units. All courses are 6 quarter/4 semester units. 
  • Year: 48 quarter/32 semester UC units. All courses are 6 quarter/4 semester units.
  • You may take one course per semester for pass/no pass credit.

Current Program Courses

Utrecht University offers courses in economics, English literature, media and culture, history, international studies, linguistics, political science, psychology, sociology, gender and ethnicity studies, and more. 

In the sciences, there are courses offered in earth sciences, environmental studies, and geography. If you are planning on attending medical school, Utrecht University also has expanded its courses in English in the Biomedical Sciences Department in the spring semester only.


There may be a few selective opportunities to do research on this program. If you are interested in a research project, you’ll apply through the university after arrival in Utrecht.

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers a research project course for psychology students who have completed the Social Neuroscience course sequence at Utrecht University. This course is best suited for year-long students to take in the spring semester.

The Biomedical Sciences department also offers a research project course for third and fourth year biology students. This course is best suited for year-long students to take in the spring semester.

Independent study and internships are not available on this program.

Catalogs and resources

  • Utrecht University Course Catalog: Click on the “Faculty” link which will take you to a Faculty-specific page. On the next page click on “Course Information” and that will take you to the page with the courses offered in English in each department. Some level 1 courses are lower-division while some are upper-division. All level 2 and 3 courses are upper-division.
  • Biomedical sciences courses: Browse expanded pre-med courses offered in the spring semester for advanced students.
  • Utrecht University comparison: Compare UU with other Dutch universities available through UCEAP.
  • UCEAP Course Catalog: See a list of courses students have taken on this program. This is not a current representation of course offerings on this program. Reference the above links to review recent course offerings. 
  • Campus Credit Abroad: Learn the types of credit (major, minor, general education, elective) students from your campus received at this location.

Academic culture

You will enroll in courses directly with UU prior to departure. 

Group work is very common at UU and Dutch universities in general. The idea is that you form a small group and work together on a project or prepare and do a presentation. Part of the learning experience is cooperation, commitment, working in a team, and taking responsibility for what you as an individual and your group as a whole have achieved. If possible, try to make your own group with students you know. Groups are responsible for achieving high results and are commonly graded as a group—not individually—on assessments.


You will earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework. 

As fall semester at UU extends into late January, fall grades are not available until much later than is typical for UC. Grades for the fall semester are usually available by late April or early May. Grades for the spring at are usually available by late September.

Tip: If you intend to put yourself on your campus degree list for graduation while on UCEAP, consult your campus advisors before departure about possible delays in the degree verification process.