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Fields of Study: Engineering, Science

Under faculty supervision, you'll be assigned to a team in one of the University of Tokyo's​ science or engineering labs to conduct research through experiments, peer consultation, group work, and interactive discussions. Interactions with University of Tokyo researchers and final presentations round out the 6-week summer experience.

Unique study opportunities

  • Design and conduct your own independent research project with the guidance of a faculty mentor.
  • Work with a research team and develop the skills to collect, interpret, and critique data. 
  • Resolve a new question or evaluate a design.


Language of Instruction: English

Language Study: None

Courses and credit

Requirements While Abroad

To successfully complete this program:

  • Take one lab research course for 7.5 quarter/5 semester UC units.
  • You must take the course pass/no pass; letter grade is not available.

Current Program Courses

You will take a lab research course focusing on a STEM topic in the areas of:

  • Biological sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Computer science
  • Earth sciences
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Physics

The list of open labs is released in December. You will select 2-3 labs to apply to from the list.

Additional or optional coursework, internships, and research for academic credit are not possible on this program.

Catalogs and resources

Academic culture

Japan is a country where courtesy and behavioral propriety are extremely important in all social interactions. Be respectful toward teachers at all times and sensitive to the cultural styles and ethics of Japanese society.

Most locals and Japanese professors will avoid correcting unacceptable behavior. Follow the example set by the Japanese students. If you have questions about what is considered acceptable behavior in Japan, talk to the study center director and staff.

To be successful academically, you must take the initiative. Take personal responsibility for your education, formulate clear academic goals, and then pursue those goals with determination rather than depending solely on UC or host university requirements for direction. Japanese university courses typically have less structure than UC courses. Professors rarely provide syllabi and, even if they do, may change the content of the course during the term. Check with each professor about specific course requirements, paper deadlines, exam dates, and any other matters related to your academic responsibilities.

Beware of being influenced by the rigor—or lack thereof—with which Japanese students appear to be engaged in their studies. In contrast to UC students, Japanese students often place less emphasis on letter grades and more on merely passing their courses.


You will earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework. Grades are usually available in early September.