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There are many university dormitories to choose from in Auckland. Before departure, you’ll receive instructions on how to research and reserve a dorm.


Each dorm offers a slightly different feel. Some have dining halls and others are self-catered. Some of the rooms have a private kitchenette. Some have outdoor courts for volleyball, tennis, and basketball. Some have lap pools, sun decks, and barbeque areas. All dorms are in multi-storied buildings with features like music rooms, study rooms, and common rooms with televisions and games. Most halls have resident advisors that live on site and can help you settle in and answer questions or concerns.


  • Private or shared bedroom
  • Private or shared bathroom
  • Off campus
  • Meal plan (all meals)

Live with

  • International students
  • Local students
  • UC students
  • US students


Your commute depends on the location of your dorm, but all are close to campus and you can walk or bike to class.