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Fields of Study: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science

Take courses taught in English in a wide variety of fields at one of Europe’s leading universities! In class alongside Danish and international students, you can pursue your major in an academically stimulating environment. Classes at the University of Copenhagen are small and many courses include practical projects and experiences, including research and field work.

Unique study opportunities

  • Gain a uniquely Danish perspective in your major through special courses for international students.
  • Explore Danish culture, urban design, cinema, or mythology to complement your primary coursework.
  • Participate in research with a Danish faculty member.​


Language of Instruction: English

Danish Language Study: None

There are no Danish language courses offered at University of Copenhagen. 

Courses and credit

Requirements While Abroad

To successfully complete this program:

  • Take a full-time course of study: Two to four courses for a total of 18-24 quarter/12-16 semester UC units
  • If you are enrolled in two or three courses, you may take one course for pass/no pass
  • If you are enrolled in four courses, you may take two courses for pass/no pass

Current Program Courses

Particular strengths at the University of Copenhagen include economics, political science, biological sciences, environmental studies, and psychology. Courses are also available in math and physical sciences, arts and humanities, and much more.

The University of Copenhagen offers a range of interdisciplinary courses for international students, covering topics such as Danish culture, cinema, architecture, design, sustainability, Nordic mythology, among others. ​UCEAP returnees have reported that it was rewarding to take a course of study that provides a uniquely Danish perspective​.

Most courses are at the upper-division undergraduate level. With the appropriate background and prerequisites, you can take courses at the master level within your major. These courses count at UC as upper-division undergraduate credit.

The fall semester runs into the month of January. If you are studying during the fall only, you will need to select courses that will allow you to complete final exams in December. Courses in the Faculties of Science and Health and Medical Sciences are taught in two consecutive blocks, with the second block of the fall term extending into January. These faculties cannot accommodate early exams and fall-only students should not plan to enroll in science courses in the second block of the fall term.

Research and Independent Study

There are numerous opportunities to participate in research within the university, particularly in biological and environmental sciences. If you are interested in doing research in a particular field, contact the faculty after you’re accepted by the university to see what opportunities are available. You can also secure research opportunities once you arrive in Copenhagen.​

Course Restrictions

Not all courses are open to visiting students, and within certain fields, few or no courses are offered in English at the undergraduate level. Some faculties and departments require a strong background in the subject to be accepted into their courses. For more information, review the requirements and restrictions.

Graduate Student Credit

Graduate students earn undergraduate credit for master level coursework taken on this program. 

Catalogs and resources

  • University of Copenhagen Course Search: Select English from the Language menu and check the "Courses for exchange students" box. Select Autumn or Spring from the Semester/Block menu. For Science courses, Blocks 1 and 2 are fall and Blocks 3 and 4 are spring.
  • Danish Culture Courses: Browse the University of Copenhagen’s interdisciplinary courses for international students.
  • University of Copenhagen Course Requirements and Restrictions: Review the eligibility requirements and course restrictions for exchange students by faculty and department.
  • UCEAP Course Catalog: See a list of courses students have taken on this program. This is not a current representation of course offerings on this program. Reference the above links to review recent course offerings. 
  • Campus Credit Abroad: Learn the types of credit (major, minor, general education, elective) students from your campus received at this location.

Academic culture

The learning environment at the University of Copenhagen is friendly and relaxed with students and teachers debating openly during class and lectures. Traditional lectures and tutorials are combined with project-based teaching methods, which help you develop strong problem-solving skills. Open debate and problem-based learning methods will encourage you to express yourself, pursue experiments, and work collaboratively with others.

Study groups are a central part of university life. Not only can study groups benefit your studies, but they are a helpful way to meet other students. We recommend joining a study group at the beginning of the semester.

The greatest academic challenge UCEAP students face at the University of Copenhagen is being self-disciplined. There are few or no assignments during the semester and few hours in class per week. This has led some students to underestimate the vast independent work required to succeed in classes and perform well on projects and papers.  Most courses require extensive independent reading and research papers in addition to final exams. If you are highly self-motivated, you will do well in the Danish university system.

At the University of Copenhagen, assessment is usually entirely based on one final exam. Assignments may be given during the course, but these are rarely graded. Exams can be in the form of final papers, a major project, written exams, oral exams, or active participation. Oral exams are common in Danish education and may be new to UC students. Exams usually concentrate on material covered in the reading rather than the lectures.


You will earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework.

Grades for the fall semester are typically available in March. Grades for the spring semester are typically available in September.

Tip: If you intend to put yourself on your campus degree list for graduation while on UCEAP, consult your campus advisors before departure about possible delays in the degree verification process.