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Fields of Study: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science

Study abroad in Ghana begins with a UC course on Ghanaian society and culture. In this course, you’ll explore the country’s history, peoples, and languages as well as broader topics like governance and development challenges. After this intensive course, you enroll in University of Ghana courses.

Unique study opportunities

  • Access popular courses for international students in Twi language, dance, and drumming.
  • Enrich your experience through fieldwork, research, or an internship for credit.
  • Engage in a community service project or volunteer with a local NGO, the university hospital, the national theatre, a family and development program, or other organizations in Accra.


Language of Instruction: English

Language Study: Optional

The UCEAP Ghana study center offers a beginning Twi (Akan) language course. The University of Ghana offers courses in Swahili from beginning to advanced levels. Additional languages are also available at the University of Ghana.

Courses and credit

Requirements While Abroad

To successfully complete this program:

  • Take a full-time course of study: Minimum of 24 quarter/16 semester UC units (five or six courses); most courses are 5 quarter/3.3 semester UC units.
  • Ghana society and culture class (4 quarter/2.7 semester UC units) counts toward 24 unit minimum.
  • You may take up to one-third (33%) of your total unit load per term pass/no pass.

Current Program Courses

The program begins with an upper division course on Ghanaian society and culture. After this course, you enroll in courses across a variety of departments and majors at the University of Ghana. Recommended courses include African studies, agriculture, anthropology, archaeology, dance, development studies, dramatic arts, geography, health sciences, history, linguistics, political science, public health, religious studies, and sociology. Some courses in sociology, archaeology, and the life sciences may include fieldwork opportunities and ​research.

Courses are assigned a course number related to the level (100, 200, 300, 400). You may not take 100-level courses except for language courses and certain performing arts courses. Levels 100 and 200 are lower division. UCEAP recommends the 300 and 400-level courses which are upper division. Class size tends to be smaller at the upper levels, especially in the elective courses.

The final digit of the course number indicates which term it is taught. Course numbers ending in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) are offered in the first semester (fall). Course numbers ending in even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8) are offered in the second semester (spring). Course numbers ending in 0 are offered in both semesters.

UCEAP students are not allowed to take graduate courses on this program. 

Experiential Learning

Independent study, called a UCEAP Special Study Project, is a strong feature of this program. These individual endeavors include fieldwork, research, or an internship. Some projects include both research and internship activities. The Special Study Research project and the Internship are 6 quarter/4 semester UC units each. Only one research project or internship per student is permitted. 

See a list of previously approved research topics under Catalogs and Resources.

Community service and volunteer positions, which may be developed into a special study project, are also available at many local organizations in Accra. 

Before departure, UCEAP will help you prepare for these activities with specific forms and actions to complete. You can make final arrangements with the on-site study center after arrival.

Catalogs and resources

  • University of Ghana, Legon (Accra): Links to individual faculties, colleges, and schools.
  • University of Ghana handbooks: View brief course descriptions.
  • Research topics: See a list of previously approved research topics as an example of independent study options in Ghana.
  • UCEAP Course Catalog: See a list of courses UC students have taken on this program. This is not a current representation of course offerings on this program. Reference the above links to review recent course offerings.
  • Campus Credit Abroad: Learn the types of credit (major, minor, general education, elective) students from your campus received at this location.

Academic culture

Oral communication characterizes Ghanaian society, and this carries to the classroom. While at UC announcements are often written, professors and students in Ghana rely heavily on person-to-person communication. To succeed in this culture, cultivate relationships with your Ghanaian classmates, keep in touch with international students and the study center, and check bulletin boards for announcements.

To make the most of your academic experience, try expanding your studies beyond the classroom—it is worth the time and effort. Be flexible if you encounter changes to your academic plans since they may present unexpected opportunities such as internships, research, and community projects.

Local students take all courses in the same department as well as the same level (100, 200, 300, or 400). If you take courses from different departments or levels, you may have conflicts in your final exam schedule. If that happens, seek out UCEAP staff for help to resolve the conflict.

Class attendance is important; absences may result in lower grades.

Final comprehensive exams are challenging. They are usually in essay format and can count for 70 to 100 percent of the final grade. To succeed on the exams, study in groups with Ghanaian students who are familiar with the required command of readings and can anticipate possible exam topics.


You will earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework. 

Fall grades are usually available by late January. Spring grades are usually available from late June to early July.