In Bordeaux, you can stay in the home of a local French host, rent a room in an apartment from a local French resident, or rent a private apartment. Housing is arranged for you before arrival based on your housing preferences.
You’ll have the most privacy when you choose to stay in an apartment in Bordeaux. Some single studio apartments, which are typically adjacent to a local French resident’s home, are also available.
- Private bedroom
- Private or shared bathroom
- Off campus
- No meal plan
Live with
- UC students
- Local residents
Depending on the location of your apartment, the commute typically takes 30-45 minutes with a combination of walking and public transportation (tram or bus).
A Bordeaux homestay is the best opportunity to completely immerse in the French culture on a personal level. In this arrangement, you’ll have a private room in a French home and share the common areas like the kitchen, living room, and bathroom with your host. Homestay hosts may live in apartments in the city center, near the university, or in the suburbs. Your homestay will give you a real taste for French life and language as you walk the streets, navigate the tram system, and return home in the evenings. All hosts are welcoming, provide a warm and comfortable atmosphere, and enjoy sharing their home and culture with their guests.
- Private bedroom
- Private or shared bathroom
- Off campus
- Meal plan (typically includes breakfast and dinner plus lunch on weekends)
Live with
- Local residents
Travel time to class varies by location. Typically, it takes 30-45 minutes with a combination of walking and public transportation (tram or bus).