Fields of Study: Science, Engineering
Located in the heart of Europe, Germany's capital offers you unrivaled educational, intellectual, and cultural opportunities. In this program you can enroll in university courses that align with many UC academic majors in the fields of science and engineering. In addition to German language study, you’ll be learning alongside German and international students in an academic environment that encourages self-motivation, awareness, and reflection.
Unique study opportunities
- Take courses with German and international students who are exclusively focusing their studies on science and technology.
- Learn about German culture and history from a distinctively German perspective.
- Access an exceptional variety of engineering courses in bioengineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, materials science, and mechanical engineering.
- Catch the team spirit by joining Technical University's student teams building race cars and robots that compete in international student tournaments.
Language of Instruction: German, EnglishGerman Language Study: Required
Intensive Language Program
All packages, except for the Spring without ILP package, include an intensive language program (ILP) that takes place prior to the start of your semester at Technical University. The ILP covers German writing, grammar, and conversation skills, and prepares you for a transition into German academic culture. If you participate in the Spring without ILP package, you will not enroll in the ILP.
Fall and Spring Semester
If you have less than two years of university-level German, language study is required during the term. If you have two or more years of university-level German, language study is optional during the term.
Courses and credit
Requirements While Abroad
To successfully complete this program:
- Take a full-time course of study:
- During the academic term: Four to five courses for a minimum of 18 quarter/12 semester UC units
- Intensive Language Program: One course for a total of 8 quarter/5.3 semester UC units; letter grade required.
- You may take one course during the semester for pass/no pass credit.
Current Program Courses
Most courses on this program are at the upper-division level. Access to courses depends on your German language skills.
Courses in English are available in electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics, and environmental science, policy, and management.
If you have studied German for at least two years in college, you can access courses in all areas of study at Technical University such as architecture, biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental studies, math, and physics. You’ll finalize your course schedule in Berlin.
As an exchange student at Technical University, you are allowed to take one course at the UCEAP-affiliated universities in Berlin other than the one you are attending: Humboldt University or Free University. However, you should take the majority of your courses at Technical University.
Catalogs and resources
To see the classes available at this university, use the following resources:
- Technical University Berlin Course Catalog: Follow these instructions to search the course catalog for courses taught in German and in English.
- Technical University Berlin Courses in English Sample: Use this sample catalog to review courses at Technical University that have been taught in English during previous terms.
- Compare fields of study at other Berlin universities: Get a side-by-side comparison of course strengths at three top universities in Berlin.
- UCEAP Course Catalog: See a list of courses UC students have taken on this program. This is not a current representation of course offerings on this program. Reference the above links to review recent course offerings.
- Campus Credit Abroad: Learn the types of credit (major, minor, general education, elective) students from your campus received at this location.
Academic Culture
You'll register for your courses after you arrive in Berlin. You'll use the first few weeks of the semester to attend the first lecture of any courses you may want to take.
There are four types of courses in German universities:
- Vorlesungen are similar to American lecture courses, although discussion sections are often optional.
- Übungen and Proseminare are similar to discussion sessions or seminars in which professors lead lectures or discussions.
- In Proseminare, students are encouraged to participate in discussions and are often required to present material to the group.
- Hauptseminare are more advanced and comparable to graduate-level seminars in America. UCEAP undergraduate students normally do not enroll in Hauptseminare.
Classes typically meet once a week. If a class has different components, such as a lecture plus a section/tutorial or a lecture plus a lab, these might occur on different days of the week. There is a type of course called a Blockseminar, which meets for one or more “blocks” of class throughout the term instead of on a weekly basis.
For students in the Humanities and Social Sciences, final term papers in Germany are usually extensive papers requiring research and citation. The Study Center conducts a mandatory tutorial on how to properly write a term paper in Germany.
The German university system requires a lot of independent study. Alumni often note that self-discipline is a key to success in the German academic system, but it can be a challenge to adapt. There are little to no assignments during the semester and few hours in class per week. This gives the initial appearance that studying in Germany is easy. However, if you’re not thoroughly prepared for the final exam, or if you do not start your research paper early enough, it will affect your final grade drastically. If you have a high degree of self-motivation you will do well in the German university system.
You will earn direct UC credit and grades for all coursework. Assessment is usually done through one final exam or paper at the end of the semester.
ILP and Fall semester grades are typically available in May. ILP and Spring semester grades are typically available in November. Do not expect to apply for graduation or have UC transcripts available until the quarter or semester following your participation on the program.
Tip: If you intend to put yourself on your campus degree list for graduation while on UCEAP, consult your campus advisors before departure about possible delays in the degree verification process.